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  • 6/11/2009Elsevier launches online English version of the Chinese Journal of Nat...
  • 5/7/2009China introduces policy to support development of TCM
  • 3/9/2009AOB to initiate clinical trials of TCM drug for UI in the U.S.
  • 2/17/2009TCMs found to offer benefits in treatment of asthma and food allergies...
  • 1/15/2009HK study: TCMs more effective than Western medicines for treatment of ...
  • 1/7/2009New TCM JV between Joint-Wit and SU BioMedicine in China
  • 11/3/2008China likely to raise quality standards of TCM injections amid rising ...
  • 9/2/2008Scientists isolate four compounds from bitter melon for type 2 diabete...
  • 7/8/2008China and India to Strengthen Cooperation in Traditional Medicine
  • 6/20/2008US and China Signs MOU for Collaboration in Research on TCMs
  • 4/7/2008Drug Makers Fusing East with West (External)
  • 3/26/2008Traditional Chinese Medicine Law Under Development
  • 1/21/2008The Practice of Resident TCM Doctors at Retail Pharmacies will be Expa...
  • 1/9/2008SFDA Issues "Supplemental Requirements for Registration of Tradit...
  • 12/24/2007Rich Chinese Help Foreign Drug Sales Rise With Blood Pressure
  • 12/20/2007MOH and SATCM to Introduce Medical Ethics Appraisal System
  • 12/19/2007SFDA Issues Technical Guidelines for TCM Injections and Natural Medici...
  • 11/30/2007Xiangxue Pharma Establishes TCM R&D Center in Cambridge
  • 11/30/2007SFDA to Raise Quality Standards on 4,000+ Formulated TCMs
  • 11/19/2007GlaxoSmithKline to Seek Effective Cure from TCMs
  • 11/7/2007Hong Kong-Shenzhen Drug R&D and Examination Center Established
  • 10/15/2007Coca-Cola Sets Up TCM Research Center
  • 10/4/2007China's Import and Export of TCM Up in the First Seven Months of 2007 ...
  • 9/19/2007SFDA Publishes Draft of "Supplemental Rules for Registration of T...
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