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  • 7/26/2009Joinn Laboratories passes GLP inspection of USFDA
  • 7/17/2009Pfizer and Wyeth gets EU approval for merger
  • 7/17/2009New CHI report: Outsourcing Preclinical Studies to China: Benefits and...
  • 7/14/2009Visiongain: Clinical trials market worth $50bn in 2008
  • 7/10/2009Pfizer loses final battle for Chinese trademark of Viagra
  • 7/3/2009CROs in Zhangjiang to receive express customs clearance
  • 6/16/2009Pfizer may conclude more deals in emerging markets in the next few mon...
  • 6/8/2009HUYA Bioscience Announces Strategic Collaboration With the Shenyang Ph...
  • 6/8/2009MDS boosts discovery pharmacology capabilities in Asia
  • 6/2/2009Dishman's Shanghai facility to be operational soon
  • 6/2/2009New CRO platform established in Nanjing
  • 5/22/2009XenoBiotic Labs to begin its Chinese operation in summer
  • 5/21/2009Asymchem opens API and drug product facility in Tianjin
  • 5/21/2009Pfizer reaches licensing deals with two leading Indian generic firms ...
  • 5/19/2009New clinical CRO formed in Tianjin
  • 5/13/2009Biopharma R&D supply chain alliance formed
  • 5/11/2009Pfizer boosts stem cell R&D with US$100 million investment
  • 4/16/2009GSK and Pfizer form joint venture for HIV drugs
  • 4/7/2009Pfizer announces restructure plan after Wyeth acquisition
  • 3/31/2009ReSearch Pharma Acquires Paramax
  • 3/31/2009Pfizer to outsource phencyclidine from Shanxi company
  • 3/30/2009Global pharma industry consolidation may boost outsourcing to India an...
  • 3/21/2009Pfizer seeks to enter lower tier Chinese markets through partnership w...
  • 3/9/2009Pfizer and Sanofi Aventis eye Wockhardt's biotech business
  • 3/6/2009Pfizer China and Peking University forms joint quantitative pharmacolo...
  • 3/4/2009MNCs report another year of sharp revenue growth in China
  • 3/3/2009Pfizer acquires generic drug rights from Aurobindo
  • 3/2/2009Pfizer opens new facility in Dalian
  • 2/24/2009Shanghai Drug Clinical Research Center established
  • 2/20/2009Duke University researchers questions clinical trials overseas
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