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  • 1/11/2010China approves Circoflex for porcine cirovirus disease
  • 1/8/2010Study shows China a leader in regenerative medicine research
  • 1/8/2010Lundbeck faces EU antitrust probe
  • 1/8/2010Bristish scientists develop vaccine treatment for Leukemia
  • 1/7/2010China Medicines receives US$70M in private placement from OEP
  • 1/7/2010CAMS announces phase III trials of its novel macrolide antibiotic
  • 1/6/2010VCs eye potential growth of the Chinese vaccine market
  • 1/5/2010Upcoming Event: Pharma Market Research Conference
  • 12/29/2009Sinovac files application for HFMD vaccine with the SFDA
  • 12/25/2009CFO change at China Medicines
  • 12/15/2009PwC: Personalized Medicine Market To Grow 11% Annually
  • 12/10/2009Instem establishes office in Shanghai
  • 12/10/2009Upcoming webcast - Pharma Opportunities in China: Promises and Pitfall...
  • 12/8/2009Medicilon/MPI expands to offer GLP-compliant preclinical services
  • 12/3/2009SFDA investigate quality issues of rabies vaccine from Simcere's acqui...
  • 12/3/2009New York Times: Chinese chemicals flow unchecked onto world drug marke...
  • 12/1/2009RNCOS: AP pharma market to grow at CAGR of over 12% during 2010-2012 ...
  • 11/27/2009American Scientific Resources opens office in Shanghai
  • 11/25/2009Upcoming Event: China Pharmaceutical Law Summit
  • 11/25/2009Upcoming Event: Winning Pharmaceutical Product Marketing & Brandin...
  • 11/19/2009Sinovac's H1N1 vaccine receives approval to expand usage
  • 11/13/2009Pharma giants dash for a piece in the vaccine market
  • 11/10/2009European drug developer seeks Chinese licensor for anticancer drug
  • 11/10/2009Chinese CRO market on the fast growth track
  • 11/8/2009Shanghai Pharma expands production capacity of Oseltamivir Phosphate ...
  • 11/8/2009WSJ: Big pharma shows growing interests in emerging markets for vaccin...
  • 11/8/2009ScinoPharm begins construction of a new API facility in Changshu
  • 11/6/2009CCMR holds 2nd Annual Symposium to further evidence-based medicine in ...
  • 11/6/2009Upcoming Event: Pharma Key Account Management
  • 11/2/2009Upcoming Event: Pharma Market Research Conference
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