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  • 9/27/2016IPEC China Joins EXCiPACT, Promoting Excipient Safety, Quality
  • 9/14/2016CDE Grants Priority Review Status to 17 Drug Registration Applications
  • 9/12/2016SciClone to Market Soigenix's Noval Oral Mucositis Drug in Greater Chi...
  • 9/9/2016Upcoming Event: Pharma Business Development Course
  • 9/8/2016Quick Thoughts on Tele-Health in China
  • 9/5/2016China Urged to Reconsider Approval of GSL's HPV Vaccine Cervarix
  • 8/29/2016Upcoming Event: Pharma Business Development Course
  • 8/29/2016Upcoming Event: Pharma 2016: Sales & Marketing Excellence
  • 8/19/2016Upcoming Event: Pharma Business Development Course
  • 8/17/2016Upcoming Event: Pharma Congress 2016
  • 8/12/2016Upcoming Event: Pharma Business Development Course
  • 8/10/2016Cutting Through the Red Tape: CFDA Plans to Accelerate the Review Proc...
  • 8/10/2016CFDA Issues Announcement over Linked Evaluation and Approval of Packag...
  • 8/9/2016SciClone Reports 3% Revenue Growth in Q2/2016
  • 8/5/2016Upcoming Event: Pharma Business Development Course
  • 8/3/2016Olymvax Licenses Greater China Rights of Needle-free GAS Vaccine
  • 7/29/2016Upcoming Event: Pharma Business Development Course
  • 7/29/2016Upcoming Event: 2017 Pharma CI Europe Conference & Exhibition
  • 7/29/2016Upcoming Event: 2017 Pharma Market Research Conference
  • 7/29/2016Upcoming Event: 2016 European Pharma Market Research Conference
  • 7/28/2016Upcoming Event: BioPharma India 2016
  • 7/26/2016China Experiences Vaccine Shortage Following Post-Scandal Distribution...
  • 7/26/2016Luye Pharma Agrees to Acquire Ainco for Its TDD System Business
  • 7/22/2016Upcoming Event: Pharma Business Development Course
  • 7/22/2016Domestic HPV Vaccine in Final Stage of Clinical Trial
  • 7/19/2016China Bridge Capital Invests CNY 300M in iCarbonX
  • 7/18/2016China's FDA approves GSK's Cervarix vaccine
  • 7/15/2016Yisheng Biopharma and USAMRIID Announce Positive Animal Results of Vac...
  • 7/14/2016China Issues Guidance Clarifying Core Tasks and Deadlines for Applicat...
  • 7/12/2016CFDA Regulation for Registration of Special Medical Purpose Foods Went...
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