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  • 2/26/2021NMPA Announces Package Insert Revision of Misoprostol Tablets
  • 2/9/2021NMPA Revises Packages Inserts of Thiamazole Formulations
  • 1/14/2021China Officially Bans Phenolphthalein Tablets and Lozenges Due to Seri...
  • 12/10/2020NMPA Solicits Comments on the Draft Measures for Drug Annual Reports
  • 8/3/2020NMPA Solicits Comments on the Measures of Post Marketing Changes of Dr...
  • 7/30/2020NMPA Issues Policy for Further Strengthening the ADR Monitoring and Ap...
  • 4/14/2020NMPA Publishes 2019 Annual Report for Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring
  • 10/17/2019NMPA Publishes 2018 Annual Report for Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring
  • 3/27/2019NMPA's CDR Solicits Comments on ADR Annual Report Drafting Guidelines ...
  • 3/7/2019NMPA Announces Package Insert Revision of Cefoperazone Sodium and Amox...
  • 2/25/2019NMPA Holds National Drug ADR Conference, Outlining Major Tasks in 2019
  • 2/15/2019NMPA Bans Compound Formulations Containing Furazolidone
  • 1/21/2019Huahai Pharma Involved In Another Blood Pressure Drug Recall
  • 12/21/2018NMPA Issues the Guidelines for Individual ADR Case Collection and Repo...
  • 9/30/2018NMPA Issues Announcement Regarding Direct ADR Reporting by MAHs
  • 9/7/2018NMPA Solicits Comments on Draft Guidelines on Collection and Reporting...
  • 4/13/2018CNDA Publishes 2017 Annual Report for Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring
  • 12/28/2017CFDA Solicits Comments on Draft Announcement for ADR Direct Reporting ...
  • 7/5/2017CFDA Issues Announcement for Package Insert Revision of Systemic Quino...
  • 4/28/2017CFDA Publishes 2016 Annual Report for Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring
  • 7/13/2016CFDA Publishes 2015 Annual Report for Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring
  • 1/18/2016CFDA Suspends Production and Sales of Calf Serum Products behind the S...
  • 7/21/2015CFDA Publishes 2014 Annual Report for Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring
  • 6/30/2015CFDA Terminates Production and Sales of Ketoconazole Oral Formulations
  • 5/14/2014CFDA Publishes 2013 Annual Adverse Drug Reaction Report
  • 12/21/2013CFDA and NHFPC Suspends Problem HepB Vaccine of BioKangtai
  • 11/21/2013CFDA Issues Warning on ADRs of Fluoroquinolones
  • 6/14/2013CFDA Talks to J&J over Drug Quality and Product Recall
  • 6/3/2013CFDA Issues Warning over Risks and Interactions of PPIs and Clopidogre...
  • 3/26/2013CFDA Seeks Comments on New Document for Priority Surveillance of Drugs
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