WiCON | Pharma China (Journal Edition)
The REAL Experts
Written by veteran pharmaceutical executives, WiCON | Pharma China (Journal Edition) is a monthly business journal (in print and PDF) that provides latest news, inside stories, in-depth analysis of issues and trends, and expert insights on China’s pharmaceutical industry and market. It is published by WiCON, former co-publisher of IMS China Update.
Going beyond the traditional factual news coverage of IMS China Update, WiCON | Pharma China brings trade news reporting up to a new level combining strength of traditional news coverage with the power of in-depth analysis, expert opinions, editorials and exclusive interviews.
It is often used as a third party source to validate in-house or externally sourced information.
Coverage of WiCON | Pharma China (Journal Edition) include:
* Latest News and Analysis
* Editorials and analytical articles from Our Chief Editor, James J. Shen
* Featured Articles from Senior Pharmaceutical Industry Executives / Experts
* Exclusive Interviews with Senior Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry Executives / Officials
* Relevant Pharmaceutical and Health Statistics
* Case Studies
* Exclusive Company Profiles
For a sample issue of WiCON | Pharma China in print or further information, please contact WiCON International Group via tel: +1 609-9038881, fax: +1 801-7515728, e-mail: info@pharmachinaonline.com.
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