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    Survey shows few Chinese sees doctors for sexual related problems 10/25/2005
    According to information released at a recent international sexual medicine conference held in Beijing, few Chinese people seek professional medical advice when encountering sexual related medical problems, and most of them resort to finding references from the internet and books.

    An internet survey on sexual health status of Chinese people in 2004 was conducted between August and December of 2004, and over 61,000 Chinese men and over 34,000 Chinese women participated in the survey.

    The survey finds that 44.2% of Chinese men and 32.9% of Chinese women choose to visit internet for information when encountered by sexual related medical conditions, followed by 36.0% of men and 31.1% of women who choose to read books for references on such problems.  Seeing doctors seems to be the last resort for Chinese men and women – only 8.2% of men and 7.0% of women said they will visit doctors when having sexual related medical problems.   
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