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    Upcoming Event: 4th Annual Pharma R&D Asia Congress 11/7/2013
    Event: 4th Annual Pharma R&D Asia Congress
    Dates: February 27 - 28, 2014
    Venue: InterContinental Hotel Shanghai, Shanghai, China
    Contact: Freda Shi
    Tel: +65 6570 2208
    TITLE Hear From Asia's Most Outstanding Speakers In the Pharmaceutical Research & Development Congress, Shanghai, China February 2014
    Drug development activities have begun to slow all over the world, however Asia is rapidly becoming a new region for Western companies to develop their products. Drug development of neglected diseases in less developed parts of the world is becoming a larger focus for international and local companies. Other issues such as westernisation of diet in the Asian population have shown an epidemic of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. This is certainly a huge opportunity for multi-national companies to move into the Asian market.
    Attend our 4th Annual Pharma R&D Asia Congress to explore into the invaluable insights about how to choose correct outsourcing partners for business needs, attaining successful mergers and acquisitions and opportunities for multi-national companies in emerging markets. Join us at InterContinental Hotel Shanghai, Pudong on 27th & 28th February 2014, this insightful event will attract over 150 senior level decision markers representing leading biotech companies, global pharma organisations and internationally renowned academic institutions. The event will provide the opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing in the expanding clinical market in Asia and Asia Pacific regions.
    To build on the clinical case studies shared at last year's event, we are pleased to introduce the co-located '3rd Annual Clinical Trials & Outsourcing Asia Congress' focusing on discussions on obtaining maximum success from CRO selection, biomarkers in clinical research, trial management strategies, clinical supply chain management to minimise cost and maximise efficiency.
    Speakers of the 4th Annual Pharma R&D Asia Congress include:
    • Yariv Hefez, VP, Merck, Switzerland
    • Beverly Lui, Director, Amgen, China
    • Jian Li, Director, Global R&D Sanofi, China
    • Yuan-Hua Ding, Senior Director, Pfizer Worldwide R&D, USA
    Full programme: To download the conference agenda please click here http://www.pharmaworldasia-congress.com/download-agenda-marketing/
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