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    Upcoming Event: 4th Annual OTC Pharma Asia 2014 10/24/2013
    Event: 4th Annual OTC Pharma Asia 2014
    Dates: February 25 - 28, 2014
    Venue: TBD, Singapore
    Tel: +65 6508 2401; +86 21 2326 3680
    Still Asia's ONLY OTC & Consumer Health Development Conference
    IBC's 4th Annual OTC Pharma Asia conference brings together OTC business leaders and marketers to share the success factors and nuances in different markets. Performance and business opportunities across different product categories will be critically examined. In-depth case studies from experienced professionals from across the region will be shared and discussed. This is the one and only regional OTC Pharma conference not to be missed by key OTC and consumer health players.
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