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    Upcoming Event: Adaptable Thinking in Corporate Development 11/6/2012
    Event: Adaptable Thinking in Corporate Development
    By: Martin Austin
    Dates: February 27 - 28, 2013
    Venue: Kunming, Yunnan, China
    Price:  USD 6,700
    Contact: David Xue, PharmaGuys Info & Consulting
    Phone: +86 186 0126 7831
    The scope of this workshop is broad. The synthesis of the key areas will draw this together into practical and useful guidance for reflection, assessment, planning and taking actions which will transform company performance by setting an agenda which is goal centric yet flexible and adaptable.  Each person attending will develop an approach that provides options and contingencies while maintaining focus on the best achievable success. The focal points encircle this concept and need to be in balance to produce the coherence and dynamism in the company environment to achieve success.
    The two days program starts with the twin foundations of success, knowing who you are and knowing exactly what you have to do to succeed:

    1. SELF – The personal commitment of individuals requires a clear understanding of themselves. The aspects covered in this unit are examined by looking at the individual attributes of the Curriculum Vitae, revealing the drivers of personal Satisfaction and testing the Fitness of the individual for the job.

    2. OBJECTIVES – Being able to Define and communicate objectives is crucial to being able to lead fan organisation.  Quantifying and qualifying the objectives provides the means to Measure success and to Set progressive goals toward them and to apply critical assessments of the ability to Achieve the chosen objectives marks out the limits to success and the boundaries of failure.
    Having established these foundations the session will move on to identify the best means to manage the progress of the organisation toward its goals and to overcome the challenges which can prevent success.

    3. COMMUNITY – Every company exists and interacts with many groups with their own interests and objectives. Comprehending the dynamics of the relationships of your team and their Staff, with your Investors and their aims, and those of your Suppliers and their businesses and your Competitors all of which is vital to maintaining the daily needs of your business and to planning your future actions thus the principles of Competitive Intelligence, often reserved for direct competitors only, can be employed across the community to great effect.

    4. ADVERSITY – No company succeeds without overcoming challenges. A great many of these however arise not just from direct Competition but from constraints in Finance from failures in Marketing and more insidiously from Inertia both internal, and in the marketplace. Examining these limiting influences in depth alerts the manager to the threats and potential dangers to the business and its objectives and sets out a plan for monitoring and averting negative influences.

    5. NAVIGATION – Every day the business world changes, currencies fluctuate, competitors launch new products, prices change and people move yet to achieve the company's objectives you must stay 'on course' sometimes by changing direction. This unit deals with the means to recognise the signs of drift and how to correct for loss of Direction. How to regain one's Bearings and take Soundings of the markets and the community.

    6. OPERATIONS – Awareness of the business environment and market pressures is not enough. A business needs to be aware of its own capabilities in order to select the best Strategy for its circumstances and plans. This means regularly conducting a thorough Inventory of resources and adapting and applying these. Just as important is the company's Decision Process, knowing when to make a decision, how to make a decision and how often.

    Martin Austin has been in business for over 42 years in multiple industries and with different roles from the largest multinationals including Unilever and Hoffmann-La Roche to small family owned concerns as well as founding 6 different companies of his own. He is presently Managing Director of TransformRx GmbH, Chairman of Zestagen SA, and Board Member at RSA AG and others.

    He manages External courses for Basel University and annually presents elective courses for the Masters program at HEC Paris. He also presents specialist courses in China, across Europe and has lectured on the commercialization of Intellectual Property for WIPO in Latin America and Iran. He is the Author of two books on Business and Corporate Development in Health care published in 2008 and 2012 respectively. This session takes a holistic approach to the management of emerging companies. The principal objective of the day is learning how to characterize and integrate the main drivers of corporate change and development.
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