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    Upcoming Event: IP for BD: IP Primer, watch-outs and case studies 7/25/2012
    Event: IP for BD: IP Primer, watch-outs and case studies
    Date: 13:00 – 18:00, August 23, 2012
    Venue: Holiday Inn Jiuzhai Jarpo, Sichuan, China
    Contact: David Xue, PharmaGuys Info & Consulting
    Email: dxue@pharmaguys.com
    Phone: +86 186 0126 7831
    Intellectual Property (IP) is 80%+ of the value of Fortune 500 companies. If you don't understand IP then it is impossible for a business manager to make good business decisions. Furthermore, the legal landscape in China is full of mines and potholes. Topics to be covered inclue:
  • What is IP 
  • The China Legal system
  • IP embodied in products
  • Marketing and IP - New China Rules
  • Examples and case studies for the above

    This seminar will provide a practical introduction to potential IP and related legal issues for those doing Business Development in China. Especially for those doing co-branding, licensing, promotion, etc., this will be a useful introduction full of useful examples and case studies. This seminar will b conducted in English.
    Michael Lin (B.A. Biochemistry from U.C Berkeley; J.D. from Boston University) was such a terrible scientist that he had to become a lawyer. Michael is currently a patent attorney at Marks&Clerk, Hong Kong where he is in charge of the Chemical, Bio and Pharma Patent group. His group handles drafting, filing and prosecution of patent applications, worldwide and focusing on China and Hong Kong, as well as various opinion-related work and client counseling.
    Michael was previously a Senior Counsel – Patents at Procter & Gamble Co. in Beijing from August 2007 to November 2010, where he set up P&G's Beijing Patent group and handled all Asian Patent matters for P&G's laundry and cleaning products.  Prior to Beijing, he worked for P&G in Kobe, Japan for 10 years. During his 13+ years stint in P&G, Michael handled global IP strategies and Asian Patent matters related to licensing, patent drafting/filing, prosecution, enforcement, divestitures, mergers and acquisitions.
    Michael is an Ohio, U.S.A. registered Attorney and practiced before in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
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