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    Call for participation in a global survey - Risk Management in Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences 11/4/2011
    The pharmaceutical industry is 50 percent riskier than the entire Standard & Poor's 500 as a whole (Ref. KPMG survey). There is therefore a strong need for pharmaceutical companies to quickly reassess their Risk Management frameworks to keep pace with the industry's changing business models and emerging Financial Risks.
    Considering the above, Prashant Pandya, Research Scholar, and Dr R. Gopal, Director & Dean, Dept. of Management at Dr D.Y.Patil University, India have initiated an online research survey project in five countries (USA, UK, Japan, India and China).
    This research project is entirely academic in nature and seeks to enhance the contemporary risk management frameworks of the pharmaceutical/life science industry.
    To participate in the survey, which will take LESS THEN 4 MINUTE, please visit the following webpage and sign in with the password below.
    Web-link    :   http://pharma.surveyconsole.com
    Password  :   pharma
    Thank you for your participation and support of Pharma China!
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