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    Upcoming Event: Annual Symposium of Drug Delivery Systems 3/16/2011
    Event: 1st Annual Symposium of Drug Delivery Systems
    Dates: November 3 - 5, 2011
    Venue: TBD, Shenzhen, China
    The Annual Symposium of Drug Delivery Systems (SDDS-2011) will bring together industry leaders, professors, policy makers, investors and researchers to provide unique insights into evolving governmental policies, breakthrough technologies and investment strategies in this growing field. This event will focus on the use of renewable sources of energy as well as on co operations between China and the rest of the world through exhibitions and oral presentations by specialists in the field.
    As one of the key issue within the drug discovery fields, drug delivery poses questions and challenges both to the development of new treatment and the mechanisms with which to administer them. Now pharmaceutical companies are turning to their focus on developing effective and targeted drug delivery systems, to transform disease treatments. SDDS-2011 will follow the different steps of the drug delivery creation and showcase the cutting edge technologies, latest developments and efficient methodologies. SDDS-2011 is combing with the 9th Anniversary of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology, and the 2nd Nanomedicine Congress. It is about to organize 300+ oral presentations and 100+ advanced technologies posters on the latest tech trend of drug delivery systems by bringing together 500 colleagues and friends worldwide. The first SDDS features an extensive program including oral sessions, poster sessions and two workshops which will bring together professionals from the fields of drug delivery worldwide, offering you opportunities for tacking the most useful information and potential business collaborations through the dynamic scientific and social events.
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