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    Upcoming Event: Measurement and ROI Certification 2/12/2011
    Event: Measurement and ROI Certification
    By: Ron Drew Stone
    Dates: April 11 - 13, 2011
    Venue: Rendezvous Merry Hotel Shanghai, Shanghai, China
    : David Xue, PharmaGuys Info & Consulting
    Tel: +86 1391 132 5130
    Email: dxue@pharmaguys.com
    Training today must be aligned with the business and results must be visible

    The business and economic landscape has changed permanently. Executives no longer support funding for training organizations that do not make a visible contribution to the business. They demand a training and HR partner that knows how to address performance issues with solutions that make a measured difference. Executives demand a versatile and resourceful training organization that will shift priorities on short notice – a partner that aligns solutions to the business and sustains results.

    A three-day masterclass certification workshop followed by personal coaching from the most credible expert in the field to guide you in conducting a ROI impact study on one of your own programs.

    Benefits of Measurement and ROI Certification

    -  Follow-up coaching by renowned expert Ron Drew Stone to complete the implementation of your own
       business impact study. Virtual coaching through email and conference calls to guide you in
       completing your ROI measurement project for Certification;

    -  Analytical competencies that will make you more credible and valuable to your organization;

    -  Once certified, you can always contact the Center with questions, issues, and guidance about a
       project or new instrument you have developed, or whatever is on your mind;

    -  Networking contacts with others who share common interests and must address similar issues and

    -  You will be a sanctioned practitioner of measurement and ROI with full entitlement to use Stone's
       process inside your organization; and

    -  Unlimited free access to updates of measurement tools, templates and best practices.
    Two certificates

    A certificate is awarded for completion of the ROI Measurement and Certification Workshop.

    A Certification certificate is awarded upon completion of your ROI impact study to certify you as a practicing Measurement and ROI Practitioner.

    Certification requirements

    Five activities must be completed to become Measurement and ROI Certified

    Activity 1. Successfully complete Measurement and ROI Certification three-day masterclass workshop.

    Activity 2. Work in partnership in table teams during the workshop- using the ROI Learning Map as a job aid - deliver a stand-up team presentation which focuses on the application of designated components of Stone's Measurement and ROI process.

    Activity 3. Successfully apply the ROI Quality Analysis tool to reveal 80% of the flaws in a series of ROI case scenarios that include disguised methodology errors. Determine the quality of the ROI.

    Activity 4. Successfully complete an objective end-of-workshop ROI quiz by scoring at least 80%.

    Activity 5. Within one year of completing the 3-day workshop, successfully complete a follow-up ROI evaluation project on one of your programs. The project (impact study) must follow Stone’s methodology. A draft of your strategy and plan for your evaluation project will be developed during the workshop. You will receive follow-up virtual coaching from Ron Stone as you complete your ROI impact study.
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