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    Upcoming Event: Training Needs Analysis 10/9/2010
    Event: Training Needs Analysis
    By: Ron Stone
    Dates: October 18 - 19, 2010
    Venue: Rendezvous Merry Hotel Shanghai, China
    Price: CNY 8,000
    Contact: David Xue, PharmaGuys Info & Consulting
    Email: dxue@pharmaguys.com
    Phone: +86 139 1132 5130
    Training today is costly - needed just-in-time and must meet client and business needs.
    This workshop provides real-world proven tools, worksheets, and processes in how to identify training and performance needs that align your training to the business.  Learn how to provide your clients with programs and solutions that are performance-centered.  Traditional needs assessment processes that do not get the job done are a thing of the past.  Walk away from this workshop with tools that get results and gain management cooperation, support and respect.
    Attendees at this 2-day intensive workshop will learn International best practices in:
     - Using a proven, flexible, and credible methodology and tools to determine training and performance needs;
     - Using techniques to initiate and sustain the alignment of training solutions and influence the client's desired business outcomes;

     - Determining the risk of training transfer and developing necessary transfer strategies;

     - Using Six SignalsTM to quickly get the analysis on track and focus it on client's major concerns; and
     - Presenting recommendaions in a framework that educates clients on how training solutions and management reinforcement can partner to achieve expected
    performance outcomes.
    What you will do during this workshop
     - Identify and learn to use credible sources to determine job requirements and training needs;

     - Identify and learn to work with business measures and hard and soft data;

     - Experience seven tools used to collect and analyze data;

     - Learn three quick and easy ways to do a performance gap analysis and determine root cause;

     - Learn to use practical and credible sampling techniques;
     - Develop a needs assessment plan;
     - Use an analysis tool to determine the risk of execution and the need for a learning transfer strategy and learn to develop effective transfer strategies; and

     - Learn to use powerful tools to communicate assessment and analysis findings and recommendations -- tools that educate clients and sponsors and gain their
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