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    Gov. touts N.J. pharma in China 5/23/2006
    Corzine urges easing rules on duplicate testing Tuesday, May 23, 2006, BEIJING -- Going to bat for New Jersey's pharmaceutical and medical technology companies, Gov. Jon Corzine yesterday urged top Chinese government officials to scale back duplicate testing he said keeps important products from Chinese consumers.

    Corzine told China's State Food and Drug Administration director and his deputies that while regulations are key to protecting consumers, the government restrictions are "causing serious limitations" on products that could benefit the public's health in China. He said the Chinese government needs to strike a better balance.

    The governor made his plea during a meeting with top Chinese regulators and executives from New Jersey-based pharmaceutical and medical technology companies. Corzine yesterday also met with other top Chinese officials and American Chamber of Commerce leaders in Beijing before flying to Hong Kong, where he is set to deliver a speech on stem cell research.

    "There is significant opportunity for New Jersey companies and business activities in China," Corzine said shortly before boarding a plane. "But it was obvious from most of the discussions we had that there are challenges, particularly for the pharmaceutical industry."

    That was apparent at the meeting with China's Food and Drug Administration.

    With 12 New Jersey-based pharmaceutical companies with operations in China, Shao Mingli, director of the agency, noted that "New Jersey is a very important state as far as China is concerned."

    But when Corzine said New Jersey companies have complained about the Chinese government requiring duplicate testing for the same medical devices, the commissioner bristled.

    "The problem has basically been solved," he said through an interpreter.

    Robert Franks, president of the Health Care Institute of New Jersey, a trade association of pharmaceutical and medical technology companies, disagreed with that assessment in an interview after the meeting.

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