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  • Regulatory News
    SFDA Administrative Service Center issues the No. 1 Announcement 4/6/2006

    The Administrative Service Center of the State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) issued its first announcement on March 24, 2006.

    According to the announcement, from April 3, 2006, the Administrative Service Center of SFDA will be responsible for the application acceptance of the administrative licensing items under the working scope of SFDA in accordance with laws, such as drug registration, health food registration, medical device registration, GMP, controlled drug manufacturing and distributing (except for those assigned to provincial-level food and drug regulatory departments), as well as certificate making and delivery.

    Address:  A 38, Beilishi Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 100810
                      (west of the northern gate)
    Fax:      010-68313344 ext. 2063 (for application acceptance)
                                       ext. 2067 (for certificate making and delivery)
                                       ext. 2004 (for fee collection)
    Email:    slfwzx@sfda.gov.cn
    Drug:  010-68315572
    Health food: 010-68315776
    Medical devices: 010-68315782
    Safety supervision: 010-68315708
    Fees: 010-68313344 ext. 2129
    Complaints referred to: 010-68315393
    Business hours:   9: 00am-11:30am, 13:00pm-16:00pm
                                (Not open for business in the afternoons of Wednesday and Friday

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