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    Q&A with Pfizer CentreOne on Contract Manufacturing for China 10/4/2020

    We recently had the opportunity to conduct a Q&A session with Tom Wilson, Contract Manufacturing Lead with Pfizer CentreOne, a global CDMO embedded within Pfizer and a leading supplier of specialty APIs, which is expanding its presence in China with a brand new and state of the art biotech center in Hangzhou. Below is the transcript of it and attached please find more information about Pfizer CentreOne.

    The followings are transcripts of our Q&A session with Tom Wilson, Contract Manufacturing Lead with Pfizer CentreOne, in English and Chinese:

    1. Could you please give a high-level overview of Pfizer CentreOne’s global network?

    Pfizer CentreOne has access to Pfizer’s entire network of manufacturing facilities around the globe. Our sites have knowledgeable and experienced experts who are dedicated to working with our contract manufacturing partners.

    As a leading biopharmaceutical company, Pfizer continuously invests in our facilities, colleagues and resources to ensure our manufacturing capabilities and delivery technologies are on pace with today’s scientific advances. With 170+ years of manufacturing excellence, products manufactured in our facilities are known for quality and compliance.

    At each of our worldwide facilities, we collaborate with you by combining our technical and commercial knowledge with open dialogue to solve challenges. Customers also have access to Pfizer’s global regulatory expertise and support. We provide personal attention, making decisions based on your needs while harnessing the quality, capabilities and regulatory strength of Pfizer global manufacturing.

    2. Which facilities does Pfizer CentreOne leverage within China?

    Pfizer CentreOne’s main site in China is located in Hangzhou. In order to meet the growing demand of biological medicines in China, Pfizer decided to invest in a state-of-the-art Greenfield Biotechnology Center – Pfizer’s first modular biological production facility. The Hangzhou site has been designed to enable flexible expansion of the facility to meet future needs. In 2019, it received a “Facility of the Year Award” from the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) for “Project Execution” and “Facility Integration.”

    Advanced technology at the site includes an entirely single-use process for both bulk drug substance and sterile filled drug product. The drug substance ability is 4,000 Liters and can be expanded to 8,000 liters. The Hangzhou facility is part of Pfizer’s global manufacturing network and the application of advanced technology enables harmonization of the manufacturing platforms across Pfizer’s four biotechnology manufacturing sites. To date, it is one the largest modular constructed biotech drug substance facilities in the world.

    The other Pfizer manufacturing drug product site is in the city of Wuxi, which offers vial filling and lyophilization capabilities for cytotoxic products.

    Pfizer invests in our colleagues worldwide so when you collaborate with Pfizer China sites, you are working with Pfizer experts from around the globe.

    3. Why should a potential customer looking for CDMO services partner with Pfizer CentreOne?

    Pfizer CentreOne delivers the same premier capabilities and expertise to our external partners that Pfizer products receive. We’ve been manufacturing partner products alongside our own for decades and all of our customers’ products are subject to the same strict policies relating to IP; all our colleagues complete information-handling compliance training. Moreover, our cyber security programs include comprehensive investments in people, process and technology to help safeguard supply reliability for our customers.

    Being embedded within Pfizer means that we can take full advantage of Pfizer’s world leading capabilities and work with some of the sector’s brightest scientific minds. Collaborating with us means you have access to a global network of manufacturing facilities that can satisfy your multi-market supply needs.

    We are focused on delivering excellent customer service with expertise, energy and responsiveness to solve your challenges and help bring your product to market as quickly as possible.

    Please visit www.pfizercentreone.com for more information or contact Aili Zhang via email aili.zhang@pfizer.com, phone +86-10-8516-1595, cell 86-139-1083-8857 or WeChat (thalpp)

    您能否简要概述一下辉瑞 CentreOne 的全球生产网络?

    辉瑞 CentreOne 可以使用辉瑞遍布全球的所有制造工厂。我们的各个工厂拥有知识渊博且经验丰富的专家,他们致力于与我们的合同生产合作伙伴协同开展工作。

    作为一家领先的生物制药公司,辉瑞不断投资于我们的生产设施、员工和各种资源,以确保我们的生产能力和药物输送技术跟得上当今的科学发展水平。凭借 170 多年的卓越生产经验,我们工厂生产的产品以质量及合规著称。

    我们遍布全球的每家工厂均秉承公开对话的原则,和您分享我们的 技术和商业知识以便和您精诚合作,共同解决您面临的各种挑战。另外,客户还可以获得辉瑞的全球监管的专业知识与支持。我们会充分利用辉瑞全球制造的质量、能力和监管实力为您提供个性化关注,并根据您的需求做出决策。

    在中国,辉瑞 CentreOne 经营哪些工厂?

    辉瑞 CentreOne 在中国的主要生产基地位于杭州。辉瑞在中国建设一个全新的并且最先进生物技术中心的初衷是为了满足中国对生物药品不断增长的需求。 杭州生物技术中心是辉瑞在全球的首个模块化生物生产工厂,也是迄今为止世界上规模最大的模块化的生物药工厂之一,这样的 设计能够实现设施的灵活扩展,以满足未来的需求。2019 年,该工厂因“项目执行”和“设施整合”荣获国际制药工程协会 (ISPE) 颁发的“年度设施奖”。

    该工厂的先进技术包括适用于原液和无菌制剂药品的完全一次性使用工艺。原液产能现为 4,000 升,可以扩展到 8,000 升。另外,杭州工厂做为辉瑞全球制造网络的一部分,其先进技术的应用使得辉瑞的四个生物技术制造工厂的制造平台得以协调运转和发展,从而可以更好的为客户服务。



    为何寻找 CDMO 服务的潜在客户应与辉瑞 CentreOne 建立合作关系?

    辉瑞 CentreOne 为我们的外部合作伙伴提供与辉瑞产品相同的顶尖技术和专业知识。数十年来,我们生产辉瑞自己产品的同时也生产合作伙伴的产品。并且客户的所有产品都遵守同样严格的 IP 相关政策,我们所有的员工都必须首先完成信息处理合规培训。此外,我们的网络安全计划覆盖了对员工、工艺和技术领域的全面投资,以帮助保护供应链的稳定性和可靠性,以便能够及时交付客户 产品。

    隶属于辉瑞公司意味着我们可以充分利用辉瑞公司世界领先的能力,并与该行业中的一些顶尖科学家一起共事。与我们合作意味着您可以使用辉瑞全球制造设施网络,以满足您的多市场供应 需求。


    请访问我们的网站 www.pfizercentreone.com 或通过电子邮件(aili.zhang@pfizer.com)、办公电话 (+86-10-8516-1595)、移动电话 (+86-139-1083-8857) 或微信 (thalpp) 联系我们, 联系人:张爱丽



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