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    Skystar Bio-Pharmaceutical Developing Avian Influenza (H5N1) Vaccine 2/21/2006
    XIAN, CHINA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 02/14/2006 -- Skystar Bio-Pharmaceutical, a leading Bio-Pharmaceutical Company in China, announced that they are developing the highly efficient Avian Influenza Inactivated Vaccine for poultry, birds and humans.

    The challenge in making an effective Avian Influenza Vaccine is to solve the issues around the mutation of the actual virus. Once an antigen (vaccine) is introduced to the virus, the virus will mutate rendering the antigen ineffective. For example, a bird or chicken may not show any signs of clinical symptoms after inoculation, but the virus can still hide in its lungs or beak. While hiding, the virus will mutate and become immune to the vaccine. This bird or chicken would now put the rest of the poultry products at risk because it is a "carrier" of a stronger mutated virus.

    Skystar is in the process of developing an inactived vaccine. As an inactived vaccine, the Avian Influenza Vaccine merely contains antigen contents but none of the active viral residue, formulated to the latest viral strain. This helps build up immunity in animals and people. This is the same premise in which the annual flu vaccine is based upon.

    Current virus technology uses a chicken embryo to breed the virus and produce the vaccine. This technology struggles to keep up with the ever-changing viral strains and is not able to produce enough vaccine to keep up with the demand. Skystar is designing a new technology that is based on a multi-surface cell propagating system. The result is that this process is more controllable and can easily keep up with the virus mutations. Further, this process is more efficient and as a result can be massed produced to keep up with high demand.

    Skystar expects to complete their revolutionary vaccine as early as 1st quarter 2007.

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