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    Double-Crane Pharma Retreats from Drug Logistics 12/22/2005
    Beijing Double-Crane Pharmaceutical Co. announced on December 21 that it would dispose of stake in four companies to its holding company Beijing Pharmaceutical Group for CNY 124.4484 million combined.  Of the four companies concerned, three are pharmaceutical logistics firms and one is a crude drug maker.

    Double-Crane Pharmaceutical has been engaged in medicine production, pharmaceutical logistics and chain drugstores for long. This move, however, demonstrates its determination in strengthening its core business.
    An official with the Beijing-based company revealed that Double-Crane Pharmaceutical will put more emphasis on fields like prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases, where it has edges.

    She also added that the deal will not exert influence on its chain drugstores, whose drug supply will be then in the charge of professional logistics companies.
    Relate News
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