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    Upcoming Event: Shanghai eHealth Workshop 6/20/2018

    Event: Shanghai eHealth Workshop

    Dates: 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm, July 5, 2018

    Venue: Shanghai Innovation Centre – PwC : 3/F, Shanghai, China

    Weblink: www.euris.com/news/shanghai-ehealth-workshop-thursday-july-5th

    Contact: Jean-Guilhem CLARET

    Email: Jean-Guilhem.Claret@euris.com 

    We are pleased to invite you on Thursday, July 05th 2018, in Shanghai, to a presentation on how to listen efficiently to what is being said on the web and social networks (WeChat, Weibo, Taobao …) about your brand, your products, or even pathologies ; and how to make use of these data to gain valuable insights. 

    During an interactive session in English, our seasoned professionals will present the current digital trends on health, show various real business cases and will answer to your questions. A professional networking will follow. 

    If you are a pharma company, biotech company, dermo-cosmetic company or medical device company, this event is for you! 

    Agenda :

    ·         Overview of the digital transformation of Life Sciences companies in China – PwC

    ·         Collecting and displaying data – Linkfluence

    ·         Analyzing and processing data – JUMO Group

    ·         Processing and integrating data – Euris

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