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    Efforts urged to improve birth quality 12/12/2005
    BEIJING, Dec. 8 (Xinhuanet) -- With 87 million disabled people and 350,000 babies born with defects yearly, China should work hard to improve birth quality and pregnancy education, said Qin Xinhua, chairman of the Chinese Association for Improving Birth Outcome and Child Development (CAIBOCD) at an ongoing conference.

        At the Dec. 7-9 member congress of CAIBOCD, Qin called for improving Chinese babies' physical, mental, psychological and moral health, and the social adaptability and education capability of parents and families, despite significant progress already made in this regard.

        Comprehensive services should be enhanced to track and guide baby care at the stages of marriage, pregnancy, and infancy, especially when kids are below three years old.

        According to CAIBOCD statistics, China has nearly 87 million handicapped people with eyesight, listening, and speaking defects or deformities and 10 million retarded kids. It is estimated that 17.5 million kids with defects will born during 2000 to 2050.

        Chinese Vice Minister of Public Health Huang Jiefu said that Chinese children, those in rural areas in particular, have not enjoyed sound guidance and education from their parents as the parents have not fully learned scientific ways to educate their kids.

        He said the Cradle Project launched by CAIBOCD will help children to get the best education from the start of their life journey.

        Established in 1989, CAIBOCD has more than 35,000 individual and 929 institutional members nationwide dedicated to improving birth quality and child development

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