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    Upcoming Event: 1st DIA China Drug Discovery Innovation Conference & Exhibition 9/2/2015
    Event: 1st DIA China Drug Discovery Innovation Conference & Exhibition
    Dates: October 11 - 14, 2015
    Venue: Shanghai International Convention Center, Shanghai, China
    Contact: Mr XIE Fei
    Tel: +86 10 5704 2652
    Drug discovery is entering an exciting stage in China. Many international companies have established their R&D centers in Shanghai, Beijing, Suzhou, Wuhan, and other parts of the country; More are conducting multi-center clinical trials in China; Chinese domestic companies are catching up by building and investing more and more in their own scientific teams and programs; Pharmaceutical and biotechnological start-ups with novel business models are emerging, and many more.
    • A Company Perspective on Creation of Innovative Medicines
    • Hot Targets: Drug Innovation from Concept to Product
    • Early Development and Exploratory Clinical Trials of Innovative New Drugs: from IND/CTA to Proof of Concept
    • Executive Forum
    • Translational Medicine & Biomarker Development
    • Role of DMPK and Nonclinical Safety Evaluation in Pharmaceutical R&D
    • Biologics in China: Opportunity and Challenge
    • Policy and Regulations to Facilitate the Development of Innovative Biopharmaceuticals in China
    ABOUT DIA www.diahome.org
    DIA is a neutral, global, professional, member-driven association of nearly 18,000 professionals involved in the discovery, development, and life cycle management of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical devices and related health care products. Through our international educational offerings and myriad networking opportunities, DIA provides a global forum for knowledge exchange that fosters the innovation of products, technologies and services to improve health and well being worldwide. Headquarters are in Horsham, PA. USA, with offices in Washington DC, USA, Basel, Switzerland, Tokyo, Japan, Mumbai, India and Beijing, China.
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