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  • General Health
    China urges localities to upgrade alert for cholera 11/4/2005
        China's health ministry warned localities here Tuesday to improve their alert level for the epidemic disease of cholera, citing a rocketing growth compared with the same period of the previous year.

        It said in a quarterly surveillance report that China reported 638 cholera cases from June to September, most in the country's eastern Fujian and Zhejiang provinces, 275.29 percent higher than the 170 cases year-on-year.

        All localities should further enhance their prevention and control measures, said the ministry. "The regions reporting relatively more cases should especially strengthen monitoring efforts and introduce positive and effective measures to bring theepidemic under control as early as possible."

        Infectious diseases in China are classified into three categories as A, B and C by the country's law on prevention of communicable diseases.

        From June to September, the ministry said, the country reported1,119,150 infectious diseases of A and B type nationwide, of which 3,082 were killed.

        The ministry said tuberculosis, among the 27 kinds of A and B type of diseases, was the biggest killer with the highest incidence and death rates.

        Rabies, AIDS and hepatitis B ranked immediately after tuberculosis.

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