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    Upcoming Event: Pharma Business Development Course 4/17/2015
    Event: Pharma Business Development Course
    By: Martin Austin
    Organizer: Pharma China Training Institute
    Dates: May 12 - 13, 2015
    Venue: TBD, Shanghai, China
    Brochure: Pharma BD Course with Registration Form.pdf
    Price: CNY 19,800
    Contact: David Xue or Jenny Wang
    Tel: +86 18601267831 or +86 10 84476010
    Email: dxue@pharmaguys.com or jenny.wang@pharmachinaonline.com

    Business Development in the pharmaceutical industry has become the most significant source of new products for most companies. Although forward integration from research to market still exists it is no longer the mainstay of corporate growth. Business Development is now conducted throughout every organization which requires personnel in all disciplines to understand their role in bringing new products into the company whether they are head office based or located in a subsidiary.

    The importance of having a structured process through the company ensures that there is coordination of efforts and alignment of strategy to make best use of resources. Concentrating on key global products will enhance their chances of success yet at regional or affiliate company level there is also a need to address the particular needs of the local countries.

    The Pharmaceutical Business Development Course has been written and developed over the last five years to capture and structure the processes needed to bring about a successful transaction which can then be distributed as a best practice in the organization.

    Attendees on this 2 day intensive program will have the chance to learn and to gain an insight into areas such as:
    • Portfolio Planning
    • Profiling
    • Search & Evaluation
      - Opportunity Validation
    • Pricing
    • Valuation
      - Modelling
      - Forecasting
    • Deal Structuring
    • Negotiation
    • Generics, Bio-Similars, Biologics and Cell Therapies
    • Legal & Financial Issues
    • Summary and Close
    The program reflects the need to look at the way the industry is addressing biological innovations at the cutting edge of the industry while at the other introducing less expensive versions which increase patient access to new developments and how the two business models coincide or collide especially outside EU/USA.

    The pricing section addresses the international issue of price control and constraint from the point of view of deal making where we have to look at future value to price deals but can’t rely on the product price.

    The other sections all reflect the effects of these changes in the way the BD needs to operate in today's market.
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